Project title: Development of an intelligent and automatic system for stabilizing the operation of electricity distribution networks based on modular installations of a hydrogen energy buffer with the intention of utilizing hydrogen.


Project number: POIR.04.01.04-00-0040/20-00


Duration of the project: January 1st, 2021 – December 31st, 2023


Project budget: 12 981 748,75 PLN (co-financing: 6 451 396,75 PLN)


Project partners:

  • University of Szczecin
  • West Pomeranian University of Technology (lead partner)
  • ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.


The project aims to develop a system solution stabilizing the operation of electricity distribution networks, which, as part of the distribution network, will enable effective management of electricity, increasing the flexibility of the network in terms of the possibility of connecting new producers of energy from renewable sources, increasing the security and reliability of the network, as well as improving the qualitative parameters of electricity supplied.

During the project, an intelligent and automatic system for stabilizing the operation of electricity distribution networks will

be developed, based on modular installations of a hydrogen energy buffer with the intention of utilizing hydrogen.

An innovative research methodology covering the selection and aggregation of input data and shaping the relationship between the components (spatial interaction systems) will be the result of the project. Methods in the area of neural networks, operational research, spatial econometrics, Network Analyst ArcGIS and the management of hydrogen supply chains will be applied.

The results of the project will also be recommendations regarding the optimal values of parameters of installations stabilizing the operation of power grids using the phenomenon of converting electricity into hydrogen. Recommendations will be developed as a result of the analysis of the reaction time and rise curve, which will be performed using a central measurement data acquisition system and power quality maintenance tools.

The project was divided into 5 phases covering industrial research and development works. It will start with the implementation of works on the V TRL, which means that the components of the technology have been verified in a near-real environment. The project will end at the VIII TRL – research and demonstration of the final form of the technology is completed, and the technology is able to be used in dedicated conditions.


Contact with our team:


Project manager:

Professor Marzena Frankowska

Phone: 0048914443472



Deputy manager:

PhD Barbara Czerniachowicz

Phone: 0048914442057



Administrative staff:

Msc Beniamin Zawilla

Phone: 0048914443124
